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The blues brother on a mission from god!

On 16th January a lot of students from different schools in Pontremoli (Scuole Medie ‘D. Alighieri’ e ‘P. Ferrari’, IIS ‘P. Belmesseri’ – Technical school –, IIS ‘A. Pacinotti’ – course for dental technicians -, Liceo ‘A. Malaspina’ – met at the beautiful theatre della Rosa to watch the musical ‘The Blues Brothers on a Mission from God’ presented by the Erasmus Theatre.

The show is based on the 1980s successful film with John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd. It is a musical comedy about the story of two brothers, Jake and Elwood, the Blues Brothers, who after Jake is released from prison, try to put together their old band in order to save from bankruptcy the orphanage in Chicago where they had grown up. So, in their original outfit – black suit, white shirt, black hat, black tie and sunglasses – they do everything they can to find all the other members of the band and to organize a big concert to raise the money they need. And they do it with every means because they are on a mission from God!

The show is full of funny scenes – concerts, chasings, hustles and bustles – that impressed us a lot. It was easy to understand the scenes in English and the songs. The actors were great, they were able to catch our attention and curiosity. The atmosphere in the theatre was fantastic: during the show we had fun and we danced and sang all together on the notes of the famous songs, such as ‘Everybody needs somebody to love’.

We think it was a very nice and impressive experience. Let’s do it again next year!!!

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